Fabian Warnsing
Red Shirt, 20222022
Oil & Acrylic on canvas
180 x 150 cm
Categories: Way too human, Fabian Warnsing
Fabian Warnsing’s (*1991) work “Untitled” depicts a woman who pulls off her clothes in a moment that is familiar to us all and might find us in a momentarily awkward position of vulnerability. Warnsing’s work shows excerpts from every-day scenes, sometimes elaborate and rich in detail, sometimes implied and sketchily assembled. His painterly and graphic snapshots are inspired by films, books or photos and combine different styles. His most recent exhibition include NBB Galerie, Berlin(2021); Weserhalle, Berlin (2021); Fructaspace, Munich (2020); Galerie Rasche & Ripken, Berlin (2019);and Sparkasse Gelsenkirchen (2015). His work has been part of group exhibitions throughout Germany,Europe, and China.