Arne Schreiber

Estimated Value: 2.400,00€

Acrylic on mirrored glass
50 x 45.5 cm

Arne Schreiber (*1974, Germany): Whether on canvas or directly onto gallery walls, closely-drawn lines are Arne Schreiber’s signature gesture. Schreiber has exhibited around the world, including solo shows at Givon Art Gallery (Tel Aviv), Galerie Zavodny (Mikulov, Czech Republic) and Open Source Galerie (New York). Schreiber also has an extensive local footprint in Berlin, showing works at venues including SchauFenster, Haus am Kleistpark, Galerie Weisser Elefant and Upon Paper. 

Arne Schreiber’s website

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Weight 4 kg

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Auction started December 3, 2021 8:00 pm