Bastian Thiery has outdone himself yet again, photographing the diverse selection of this years models in the 2025 edition of Dogs of Weserhalle. Experience it for yourself on our shop page. Brighten your year ahead and order now.

While the majority of our neighbours are humans, there’s another type of being, also important and integral to the community. Whether they’re visitors, passersby, or regular patrons of the same local cafés and restaurants, they positively influence our daily experience in and around the gallery. These friends might not have the most pleasant breath. They may often have bits of poo dangling from their bottom hairs. But they are true, Authentic. Free of judgment. A source of therapy, alternative comedy, wisdom. Particularly at a time where these qualities are needed. In a large cold city. Lot’s of concrete. These friends offer the warmth. This calendar is a tribute to these friends. These are the Dogs of Weserhalle.