Welcome to the 11th Art Auction of Weserhalle. Like every year, we invited artists to participate in our open call to be part of our popular Art Auction format. From almost 1000 entries we have selected 31 artist with the curatorial help of Head Art Advisor and Chairwoman to the Enter Art Fair Kirsten Eggers and Austrian Artist Georg Haberler.
This week-long event is divided into two parts. Firstly, the physical exhibition at the Weserhalle gallery allows you to experience the artworks in person. Secondly, the digital aspect at weserhalle.com where you can bid on each of the artworks in our online showroom.
To participate in the bidding process, the initial step is to log in or signup. Once you have signed up and logged in, proceed to the auction artwork page. For additional information, please explore our comprehensive FAQ section. Happy bidding!
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