Da Silva Brokers Art House (DSBAH) is pleased to announce our new showroom gets a makeover this Friday, displaying the instruments of Arne Brom, one of the many artists within DSBAH’s extensive network. Brom is an art service contractor offering artistic maintenance and minimally invasive apartment cleaning as part of DSBAH Performance plan.
The extensive repertoire of Brom’s services are more akin to a massage for the apartment, leaving the flat altered rather than cleaned. The dust for example, is not necessarily removed, but rather rearranged; window smears are not wiped away, but enhanced into new configurations. And so on. Once the treatment is complete, the owner receives a NFT certificate, as well as video documentation of the cleaning performance.

Project background
DSBAH is the continuation/part of a long-term project by Anton Steenbock, launched in 2010 under the name Da Silva Brokers, consisting of fake architecture campaigns, showrooms and widely distributed propaganda aimed at creating political awareness of urban and environmental change in hotspots such as the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, as well as corporate takeovers in public space such as Google Street View and sharing economy apps such as Uber, Coop and AirBnB.
In addition to his individual work, Anton Steenbock has a strong focus on collective approaches. He is co-founder of Gazua, an artist-run exhibition platform in Rio de Janeiro, was tutor of the Freie Klasse Berlin from 2006 – 2010 and together with Peter Behrbohm forms the artist collective SONDER.
Recent Exhibitions; Martin Gropius Bau Berlin(2020), Forecast Forum Berlin (2019/2020), Künstlerhaus Frise in Hamburg – Germany (2019).